If you’ve come to our page to discover how to make money blogging, you’ve come to the correct place. Having been blogging for nearly a decade, I’ve generated significant income from it (and other websites) using a combination of passive income sources and more active channels, which we’ll discuss today.

The year 2016 was when I initially started my blog, and I had no idea how to earn money blogging, let alone how much money it was even feasible to make from a blog. It’s even more incredible (and surprising) to think that I’ve gone from studying how to make money blogging to now earning more than $50,000 per month from my site.

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you’ve probably noticed my progression from earning just a couple thousand dollars in monthly side income, primarily from freelancing clients, all the way up to currently making more from my blog each month than I did in my first few years of employment.

12 Efficient Ways for Earning Money By Blogging

  1. Sponsored Blog Content
  2. Affiliate Programs
  3. Blog Advertisements
  4. Sell Online Courses
  5. Physical Products
  6. Release a Software Tool
  7. Selling Your Services
  8. Writing (and Selling) eBooks
  9. Launch a Virtual Summit
  10. Business Partnerships
  11. Podcast Sponsorships
  12. Freelancing

Sponsored Blog Content

The content blog owners produce on behalf of businesses to push their content, product, or services in front of a targeted audience is a sponsored post or sponsored post-campaign.

Affiliate Programs

Affiliate Programs are a type of marketing that allows you to earn money by referring others to a product or service.
This marketing earns a commission by advertising a product or service that another store or advertiser offers online. You are compensated for delivering a specific result to a shop or advertiser as an affiliate partner. This is known as an affiliate marketing model.
In most cases, this results in a sale. On the other hand, some systems can compensate you for generating leads, registering free trial customers, receiving website clicks, or obtaining app downloads.
Usually, no costs are associated with joining affiliate programs, so you won’t have to worry about incurring significant initial expenses. If executed properly, this performance-based opportunity has the potential to transition from a side hustle to a profitable online business concept while providing you with a comfortable salary.

Blog Advertisements

Most blog-based advertising entails payment to the blog’s owner in one form or another. Typically, bloggers with a large following monetize their blogs through ad formats and Google AdSense advertisements.

Sell Online Courses

Creating and selling online courses may be a lucrative source of passive income if you have built a customer base. Your online course can also be used as a marketing tool to help you build stronger relationships with your customers. Use your online course to demonstrate what your company is all about. Demonstrate to them why you are superior to your competitors.

Physical Products

When we say Physical Product, we mean an Identified Product and its packaging as shipped or delivered to consumers, including any labeling, images, or inserts accompanying the Identified Product and any other packaging or materials accompanying the Identified Product that contains or reflects Communications.

Release a Software Tool

Do you work as a software developer for a living? If not, you might know someone who is, such as a good friend or a former coworker.
Essentially, a software tool that individuals (such as your blog readers or even freelance clients) may use to automate a process—or set of functions—to avoid performing the activity more manually.
My blog is powered by a theme called OptimizePress, and I’ll give you a meta illustration of how this works right here on this page (for my CMS, WordPress). It’s a software product I purchased, and because they provide regular updates, they demand a yearly membership fee to access upgrades and premium support.
I never have to touch a line of code or learn any coding languages to operate my blog daily due to the visual aspect of how this theme works. It is feasible to run a blog without WordPress or a theme like OptimizePress.
The team at OptimizePress developed a software product that drastically eased the process of maintaining a visually pleasing WordPress blog when the company initially began. Because of this, I’ve been a customer for over six years and will continue to be so.

Selling Your Services

Sales of your time, skills, and knowledge as a service are quite similar to sales of online courses (as well as freelancing, which we’ll cover in more detail later).
When marketing your services, there is one significant distinction between selling courses and services: you are working with a client one-on-one or in a small group to provide specialized help or deliverables.

Writing (and Selling) eBooks

Publishing and selling eBooks (your digital product) is a beautiful method to earn money blogging has previously been discussed briefly—most notably because your income can be scaled up without the need to incur extra expenses after the book is written.
When selling an eBook directly on your blog and collecting payments through Stripe or PayPal, you will receive most (if not all) of the profit generated with each new sale.
There will be no middlemen, publishers, or distributors, retail stores.
This means that if you learn how to write and sell an eBook, you can keep the absolute maximum profit margin on your eBook sales.

Launch a Virtual Summit

Yes, you read that correctly. I’m that little old lady in the corner of these video interviews.
The Inside Sales Summit was a virtual summit hosted by Close, and I was hired to organize, produce, launch, and orchestrate it entirely on my own in 2017. Fifty-five video interviews with some of the most well-known entrepreneurs and salespeople worldwide were recorded over three months.
Using one of the best website builders available (WordPress), I created a complete website and then hosted it on a managed WordPress hosting plan to host the virtual summit. I also designed and edited the videos, established our promotional partnerships, and wrote the launch email sequences that Close and all partners used to promote the event.
It took a great deal of effort. However, this side activity brought in an additional $30,000 for me.

Business Partnerships

It is possible to have an audience when your blog is growing.
And when you have an audience regularly returning for more of what you’re providing them with, you’ll be able to develop chances for innovative business collaborations to monetize your audience’s attention further.
Business partnerships can take various forms, making it impossible to explain them in one article or blog post.
As discussed, forming a corporate partnership as simple as an affiliate relationship is possible.

Podcast Sponsorships

Now is the time if you’ve been telling yourself how badly you want to start a podcast.
Well, here is your opportunity. It will be a lot of fun, and it will also be beneficial to you.
Regarding sponsorship revenue, my podcast generates anywhere from four to five figures per year, with sponsorships from firms such as FreshBooks, Monday.com, and Skillshare averaging roughly $500 per episode to be in front of my 30,000 monthly listeners.


Freelancing isn’t for everyone when it comes to making money blogging, but it is a viable alternative when you’re still figuring out how to generate money from your blog.
A few years ago, freelancing accounted for approximately 90 percent of my blog’s annual revenue. Furthermore, the contacts I developed with freelancing clients throughout my first few years of blogging have prepared me to earn money from other (more passive) sources now that I have established a solid foundation of experience.
The Best Way To Make Mon

How To Make Money By Making A Blogging Website

Step 1: Figure Out Your Blog’s Niche

The first item on your to-do list should be deciding what you will write about on your blog. Figure out what you want to discuss: marketing, CBD, vegetarianism, or just odd stories from your life.
Remember, your idea does not have to be revolutionary, but you need a distinct voice to be heard.
Listed below are two suggestions for selecting a blog niche:

Choose Something That You Enjoy

I realize that this seems cliche, but it makes no sense to blog about something if you don’t enjoy the subject matter.
Never start a blog about a topic you aren’t passionate about; it will reflect in your writing, and your readers will notice. Furthermore, you will be unable to continuously publish high-quality material to grow your following and therefore monetize it.
Make a list of what piques your interest and interest in learning more about. Consider what your friends and family come to you for when seeking assistance.

Find Out Whether a Prospective Niche Has a Readership

You can make money from your blog if you have many visitors to your site.
Let’s pretend you’ve already determined your blog’s focus and that you want to write about arts and crafts topics.
Deciding to narrow your focus further and build a blog dedicated to either paper art or scrapbooking is a wise move. Even though you enjoy writing about both subjects, you prefer to concentrate on one in particular.

But how do you choose between the two options?

Answer: Do a quick Google search.

As you can see, there are significantly more results relating to paper art than there are results concerning scrapbooking. As a result, it makes more sense to write about paper art, precisely what the target audience is looking for.
I’d also like to point out that broad or generic themes should be avoided. Don’t be afraid to be particular if you have people interested in your offering.
For example, if you want to start a food blog, avoid using words like “food” or “cooking.” Instead, say “barbecue” or “vegan” to describe your dish.
Do you see what I’m saying?

Step 2: Name Your Blog

Once you have a concept for your blog, you must develop a name for it.
Did Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta’s name come to mind when you think of her? Yes, I believe so.
But I’m willing to bet Lady Gaga does.
Lady Gaga’s name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, and she was born in New York City. She chose a more catchy, easier-to-remember option that aligns with her musical style.
That is the power of a well-chosen moniker.
Choosing a blog name is both exciting and intimidating at the same time. After all, this will be your company’s brand name, and it will determine how people will recall you.
You shouldn’t overthink it and call your blog anything arbitrary or offensive, either.
Take into consideration the following considerations when deciding on a name:

  • Does it reflect what your blog is going to be about?
  • Would your target audience like it?
  • Is the name easy to say and spell?
  • Is it short?

Step 3: Sign up with a Web Host

To make your blog live, you’ll need to join a hosting web service and register a domain name that will act as the address for your blog on the internet.
I recommend Hostinger since it is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding web hosting businesses available and is reasonably priced. To learn more about Hostinger’s hosting options, visit their website and click the Start Now button.

I recommend the WordPress Starter plan since it is the most affordable (costs only $3.99 per month) and comes with a complimentary domain name.
If you already have a domain, you can save even more money by signing up for Single WordPress at $1.99/month. The site storage and monthly visitation restrictions are smaller, but you won’t have to worry about exceeding them while getting your feet wet in blogging. You can always upgrade your computer at a later time.
After selecting, you will be prompted to submit payment information and create your Hostinger account. Once the payment has been processed, you will be taken through the setup process using Hostinger’s setup wizard.

When you start the process, it asks you three questions to provide you with the most helpful information possible: who you are developing the website for, what kind of website it will be, and your level of experience building websites.

Although I have a lot of experience with website creation, the rest of this tutorial represents my decision to take the most appropriate path for novices with some experience.
The next screen will allow you to choose WordPress as the blogging platform for your website. You can create a WordPress account without leaving the setup wizard if you don’t already have one, and Hostinger provides a convenient field for doing so.

Following that, Hostinger allows you to select a template or start with a blank canvas of a website to build on.
After that, you’ll be able to take advantage of the free domain that comes with your Hostinger package. If you’ve already looked into the availability of your selected domain, you’ll be able to identify it fast and complete your purchase in a single step.

The key is to pay an additional $10 per year for WHOIS privacy protection. Ensuring your private information as a domain purchaser is not publicly visible or searchable is a small price.

Hostinger will take a couple of minutes to complete the setup and install WordPress after you’ve completed the checkout process.
This is the stage at which you will have your blog!

You’ll be redirected to Hostinger’s control panel, CPanel, as soon as the process is finished. Because WordPress has already been installed for you, you can now begin customizing your blog to reflect your style.

Step 4: Design Your WordPress Blog

To construct a blog, choose a beautiful and reasonably priced WordPress theme first.
What is the purpose of this?
What you’re looking at isn’t exactly elegant and welcoming. The appearance of your website can assist you in attracting more website traffic, which will, in turn, enable you to earn more money.
Fortunately, there are thousands and thousands of themes available for you to choose from on WordPress. I’ve even compiled a list of some of the greatest ones to share. The following is a step-by-step guide to selecting a WordPress theme:

  1. Log into your WordPress account.
  2. Click on Appearance in the sidebar menu on your dashboard.
  3. From the drop-down options, select Themes.
  1. Go to Add New at the top of the screen to access thousands of fancy WordPress themes. You can also click on Feature Filter to filter your search to see options more suited to your tastes.

A theme should reflect your style, but it should also be relevant to the topic of your blog, as explained above.

  1. Preview the theme to see what it will look like.
  2. If you like a specific theme’s sneak peek, click Install and then Activate.

Your website will receive a much-needed facelift that will make it visually appealing to visitors when installing a lovely new theme.

Step 5: Come Up With Interesting Blog Topics

For blogging to be profitable, you must continue to do everything to attract more site visitors or increase the number of people who subscribe to your email list. The most effective approach is to continue doing what you’re already doing on your blog posts: providing your visitors with fascinating information.
But what if you’ve already exhausted your most excellent blog post ideas in prior posts?
My recommendation is to compile a list of frequently asked questions.
I guarantee that within 30 minutes, you’ll have an entire list of new blog subjects to choose from. Your priority should be to consider things from your reader’s perspective.
You can also concentrate on questions with a higher level of difficulty. The five questions listed below are ones I recommend you ask yourself to enter into your readers’ brains.
Consider the following scenario: you want to launch a parenting blog for stay-at-home moms. To illustrate, let’s go through those five questions with the following example in mind:

Q1) What could be an intriguing or exciting talking point for your readers?

Sleep training, family activities, and budget-friendly meal suggestions are the most valuable themes for stay-at-home moms.

Q2) What are your reader’s pain points and challenges?

Meal planning, identifying developmental milestones, and other such tasks are common domestic issues for stay-at-home moms, among other things.

Q3) What are your readers’ character traits?

Moms are often patient and compassionate individuals who appreciate a good sense of humor when it comes to the difficult task of parenting children.

Q4) What niche topics would appeal the most to your readers?

Stay-at-home parents may find it helpful to discuss their children’s mental, physical, and emotional growth with their children.

Q5) What topics would your readers hate about the niche?

Others don’t like it when their peers look down upon stay-at-home parents. As a result, you may write blogs about how society perceives them and the influence they have.
Similarly, you might use the questions above to generate concepts specific to your industry. Remember to create an appealing headline that will encourage the reader to click on your blog right away during this process.

Step 6: Optimize Your Blogs for SEO

Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is critical in making money from blogging. You will use this section to optimize your website to appear higher in search engine results for specific keywords and phrases.
It’s possible that if you’ve been following me for a long time, you’re already aware of how SEO is my secret weapon.
I’ve successfully driven more than 30 million visitors to my website by including specific keywords and phrases in my content. Shocked?

That is the power of search engine optimization.
Yoast SEO is a WordPress plugin that allows you to improve your content and blog by adding keywords to your posts.
Go to the Plugins menu and select Add New from the drop-down menu. In the search field, type in Yoast SEO, and then click “Install” to download and install the plugin.
Don’t forget to activate it when you’ve finished the installation process to complete it.
You’ll notice that this plugin will provide you with many improvement recommendations and tips based on the keyword you choose to assist you in optimizing your content. I’d advocate integrating as much of the information as possible to boost the SEO and readability of text.

Step 7: Sign up for Google AdSense

Setting up advertisements on your blog is the most effective method of monetizing your site. You must, however, proceed with caution.
The most common mistake people make is overcrowding their websites with blinking advertisements. This should be avoided at all costs.
Instead, utilize customized advertisements that appeal to your customers without being intrusive.
A Google AdSense account is required to begin earning money from advertisements. Go to the AdSense sign-up page and click on the Sign Up Now button. If you don’t already have a Google account, you must create one before continuing. You may sign in with that information if you already have a Google account.
Before submitting your application, make sure you have included all the necessary information. The AdSense team reviews every application, and if everything goes according to plan, you’ll be accepted!
After that, follow the procedures outlined below to create your account:

  1. Go to your AdSense dashboard and click My Ads > New ad unit.
  2. Select the size of your ad and the type of ad. Once you’re done, select Save and get the code.
  3. You’ll get some code that you’ll then have to copy and paste between your page’s <body> tags. Here’s how it’ll look.
  4. Once you’ve pasted the code, your ad will be live. Your AdSense dashboard will have all information about your earnings, so check it regularly.

While you can utilize advertisements on as many pages as possible, I recommend starting with only one or two to understand how your audience responds to ads.
Increasing your bounce rate on your dashboard may indicate that you should consider relocating your current adverts to achieve better results.

Step 8: Create an Amazon Associates Account

Affiliate marketing is something you may already be familiar with. If your goal is to generate passive revenue, using the power of affiliates is your best bet for achieving your objective.
You may start making money by starting with Amazon Associates, which allows you to earn immediately through referral links, display advertisements, and Amazon-based shopping carts.
If any visitors decide to utilize your referral link or click on the display advertisements, you will receive a tiny percentage of the sale.
To become an Amazon Associate, you have to go to the Amazon website and click on the Join Now for Free button.
This has the potential to be quite effective. Take a look at Brendan Mace’s earnings to see the proof.
Amazon Associates is not the only affiliate marketing program available.
You’ll be pleased to know that many firms have affiliate programs, some paying more significant commissions than Amazon’s. Remember to do your homework before joining up to be an affiliate for a particular brand.
I’d want to underline the necessity of advertising just those products or services you have utilized or that you believe can benefit your target audience.

Step 9: Offer a Product or Service for Sale

Many people believe that adverts are the only source of money for bloggers. This is not necessarily true. This may be true for a few bloggers, but you’ll find that many more make a substantial amount of money by selling a product or service.
On the other hand, Nomadic Matt’s dedicated following and consistent internet traffic are prerequisites for this strategy’s success. Once you’ve reached this point, you shouldn’t hesitate to take the next step.
Some items that you might want to consider selling are as follows:

  • Training courses
  • Books
  • Video courses/webinars
  • Coaching services
  • Consulting services

Following that, you must determine how you intend to market your goods. Services such as Shopify or WooCommerce plugins on WordPress, Amazon, and Etsy are excellent choices for digital products. If you’re selling a physical product (such as phone cases or clothing), you must use a more extensive e-commerce site to accommodate your customers.
Finally, you can inform your target audience about your product or service by sending emails to the target audience. You may also think about creating lead magnets such as pre-recorded webinars, PDFs, and whitepapers to help you grow your email list even further.


By choosing a specialty based on market considerations and B2B components, you can more than double your blog’s earning potential.
Your backlink acquisition and Domain Authority will double if you scale your content strategy, execute ongoing SEO site audits, and outsource portions of your writing process (DA).
Finally, using the appropriate high-end blog monetization tactics from the outset, you can make life-changing money as a blogger within 90 days rather than five years, as previously thought.

People Also Asked

Should you start a blog in 2022?

The year 2022 is an excellent time to start a blog. The online world is still in its infancy, and there are fresh opportunities to monetize and develop your blog with each passing year.

How can I make money in 2022?

Ways to make money from home

  • Sell custom products.
  • Create a print-on-demand business.
  • Make a subscription box.
  • Sell on marketplaces.
  • Sell digital products.
  • Sell your creative work.
  • Monetize an audience.
  • Become a freelancer.

Is blogging still alive in 2021?

However, how blog articles are eaten now vastly differs from those consumed ten years ago. Adapting and developing new business models are essential for bloggers who wish to maintain consistent blog returns.

Is it still possible to make money blogging?

When it comes to generating money blogging, it’s relatively simple to earn $500/month by simply putting in the effort, and this is something that anyone can accomplish… It’s likely to be the most cost-effective business to start in 2022. On the other hand, the ability to earn an average of $20,000/month during your first year of blogging is not easy.

What should I blog about in 2022?

The most profitable blog niches for 2022

  • Digital marketing.
  • Blogging and making money online.
  • Health and fitness.
  • Personal finance and investing.
  • Recipes and food.
  • Personal development and self-care.

Where can I blog in 2022?

WordPress will be the most popular blogging platform in 2022, according to Statista. A WordPress platform hosted on your server allows you complete control over your website. Themes allow you to personalize your website as you want, and you’ll also have access to thousands of useful plugins to help you operate it.